Zapperlot! 2014
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The slightly different Festival
A million thanks to all Zapperlotis: to Anton, Arlette, Dani, Sime, Dinu, Rafael, Flügu, Dagmar, Luni, Peter, Ruedi, Hansi, Linus, Martin − for letting Marga, Max and me be a part of the family for a week. We will be back in 2016 for the next Zapperlot! To all helpers for the great co-operation (it was a fest to crawl through the mud with you); and of course to Flo and Benoit for the fantastic sound.

July 24: Here comes the flood

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August 10-14: Setting up the site     top     Ernstgemeint

August 12: Ernstgemeint     Set-up     Set-up

Wednesday / Thursday: continuing to set up the site     Ernstgemeint     Geneva

Friday, August 15

To Geneva and back     Set-up     Moll/Fischer

Moll und Fischer     Geneva     BPP

Benoit Piccand Project     Moll/Fischer     Mats/Morgan

Mats/Morgan Band     BPP     Saturday

Saturday, August 16     Mats/Morgan     Drum Clinic

Morgan Ågren Drum Clinic     Saturday     Inventionis M

Inventionis Mater     Drum Clinic     Öz Ürügülü

Öz Ürügülü     Inventionis M     Anton

Anton & The Headcleaners     Öz Ürügülü     Mörglbl

Mörglbl     Anton     Bones

Bones and Battery     Mörglbl     FiDO plays Z

FiDO plays ZAPPA     Bones     Jodler

Sunday, August 17

Frauenjodlerchor Bumbach     FiDO plays Z     New Bag

Christy Doran's New Bag     Jodler     Kamikaze

Kamikaze     New Bag     Cowboys

Cowboys From Hell     Kamikaze     Merkstatt

Die Merkstatt     Cowboys     Finale

Finale     Merkstatt     Monday

Monday, August 18     Finale

 Zapperlot! −  Set-upFriSatSunMon